Friday, July 1, 2011

How about that weather RGV?

Well, as usual, nothing much going on around this neck of the woods, but I was contacted by a friend who worked up a niece video about the Texas border.

Unfortunately, I had told him I'd be using it for my blog and that I'd be posting it up.  That was a few days back, and I never did because I was feeling overwhelmed with the Hartley case we're working on.

Fortunately, I've finally gotten around to doing it.  Here it is:

That video was from Romo0012 who has agreed to help me capture the beauty and peace of our borders.

I have to admit, he is doing above and beyond a magnificent job and I can't wait to see what he offers next.

As for me, I seemed to have misplaced my camera and haven't been able to get around to video taping.

As soon as I find it, I'll be posting up my finds.

So far, nothing much has been going on besides the beautiful weather we are having. 

We finally got some rain, and it's been cloudy, raining off and on throughout the week.

The only thing I don't like about the rain is the Texas size mosquitoes that follow it, but I think it's a nice time to go out fishing at the river.

I'll let you know how that goes next time around. 

Take care.


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